Tag Archives: South Coast

Beaches on the South Coast of Western Australia

Girt by Sea: South Coast of Western Australia

As our nation’s birthday is upon us I am reflecting on what I love most about the country I call home…the beaches on the South Coast of Western Australia.  The freedoms we enjoy and the lifestyle we lead, all made possible due to the sacrifices of our diggers, makes Australians some of the luckiest people on the planet. Continue reading

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13thI once travelled in a ‘hippie’ backpacker bus up the west coast of the USA and the bumper sticker said “It’s not the destination that counts but the journey.” It sure was an interesting indie trip with us sleeping on seats turned into makeshift bunks and cooking up steaming flap jacks the next morning in a hippie camp in a Oregon forest on route from San Francisco to Seattle. On a recent family holiday, those words came back to haunt me on Friday the 13th. Continue reading